Here it is, I decided to posted what I say on the blog in case the video/audio didn't cooperate.
So if it looks like I am looking away from the camera it is just me reading the notes I have written to help focus my discussion!
Hello! We did it we made it through the course! I have learned so much that its incredible the internet is so vast with all these tools and who knew?! I feel like I have an advantage going into my career having these tools that I could incorporate in my daily life.
The first article I am going to talk about it Dr. Dennen and Dr. Burner article on Facebook, "Friends" and the Higher Ed classroom. This article hits some very real issues that surround Facebook use. I am one of those 15% that wish they didn't post something on Facebook. Not that it was horrible or outrageous but I should not have posted I was out of town like Dr. Dennen commented on my previous post. I agree with the conclusion that Facebook use should be a voluntary part of the course and another great point of the conclusion is that it needs to be thought out carefully because of the blurry lines it can create.
Next, I want to talk about Friending and Footprints. I am less active on Facebook than I was in high school. Now it is really just used for Facebook groups which this article mentions is a major component to the tool. I personally think that if Facebook was education centered and not social centered this would be a great tool to use in higher education. Privacy is obvisouly a major concern as the article address especial with FERPA law. I think people can lessen thier concerns about what is being shared on Facebook with the privacy setting an according to the article "not all facebook users are aware that these restriction have limitations". This article covers several topics and concerns about using Facebook in the classroom it gives a perspective that needs to be considered. The surmounting ethical and privacy concerns have put the use of Facebook int he classroom on the back burner in terms of actual usage.
Thank you for sticking with me the last 6 weeks! I congratulate everyone who is graduating and those continuing on like me hopefully we see each other in the classroom!
Thank you!
Facebook," Friends," and the Higher Education Classroom: Student Preferences and Attitudes
Dennen, V. P., & Burner, K. J.
(2014). Facebook, "friends," and the higher education classroom: Student
preferences and attitudes. In Internet Research 15.0. Association of
Internet Researchers.
AndFriending and Footprints: Privacy and Ethical Issues of Facebook Use in Higher Education
Dennen, V. P., & Burner, K. J. (2013). Friending and footprints: Privacy and ethical issues of facebook use in higher education. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN) (pp. 642-648). Las Vegas, NV: AACE. [PDF]
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