Thursday, July 9, 2015



Personal Learning Networks
Are networks that take time an energy and something that could be beneficial to have if used appropriately. What I mean is  you have to make sure to have the time to commit to a PLN. A PLN doesn't grow overnight nor does it go out and find followers for you. You have to make sure you fully engage in your PLN for it to be effective. A PLN is something that my boyfriends ten year old sister would create, probably on the topic of singing, spend hours and hours the first three days on it, get bored and never look at it again. That is not what PLN intentions are, it is meant to be a continuation and sharing of knowledge with a growing group of people interested in your topic.

The different types of PLN's are large and small. Basically, if you wanted to interact with every respondent that you got on your PLN, small is the way to go. If you rather just lurk and comment occasionally and use Dr. Dennen " start where you are" motto, a larger PLN would be for you.

What is other peoples opinions on the Analytic tools, such as Klout?

I personally feel they are a bit overdone and something that is no longer organic but transformed into a numbers game. Although, I understand they could be helpful, in my opinion I prefer to know through action that I am making a difference in peoples lives. To me making a drastic impact on one life is more important than briefly touching a hundred lives. The first would give you a low Klout score... but you did a good thing and I think that is where it is being ignored. It shows quantity over quality.

Nicole Reid

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary of the main points. Klout. Definitely over-rated. Meaningful if you work in marketing, perhaps.
