Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Trying to Vlog

Hello EME6414!
This is a new social media avenue I am trying out, VLOGS! 
If you have any familiarity with them I would love comments and hints!
Tell me what you think! 


  1. Your VLOG is very interesting. I will keep checking your updated blog. I am trying to find an online community, too.

    1. Thank you Yao! I am very excited what are you interested in?

  2. There are lots of running communities out there!

    1. Hi Dr. Dennen! I think I have found some good ones!

      This one is just a fun forum on our name which I found interesting and it has had lots of action!

      Although I do not run a sub 1:30 half mile (I'm more around the 2:30 mark) I hope to read and get tips on how to improve my running by observing this forum!

    2. I can't run a half that quickly either. I'm registered for one right now, and I'll be happy to hit 2:30.
      I think you'll do well looking at the running communities for the assignment.

  3. Nice try Nicole! One strategy I would recommend is to put some text content when you embed video. For example, introducing your video with a few sentences above your video, and then making some summary of the video at the end of your post may help readers to find the context what you want to say through the video.

    1. Hello Minho!

      Yes what a great idea!!! I think have a summary to sum up a video and text slide are a great idea and I will incorporate that into next weeks vlog!

  4. I have to commend you Nicole, I don't think I would EVER feel comfortable enough to post a video of myself doing anything on youtube! Largely because people can be such haters, not really because I'm shy or anything, just for fear of judgment from strangers! Good job and your first try :)

    1. Hi Shannon! Yes, as my first vlog I was a little nervous but I am very pleased with all the help and action I am receiving on it so I think I will continue! Possibly we could do one together? There was an interview option for vlogs and we could ask each other about the course if you think that would help you be more comfortable with a vlog! Just a suggestion!

  5. I'm glad you pioneered vlogs in our class. I was wondering if we could do them. Very cool. Thank you!

  6. Excellent job on the vlog! :) It's seems like it might be a easy way to share experiences and show a bit of emotion and voice inflection.
