Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Goodreads         - Image credit -  pixabay

I look as stir- crazy as this worm does when I read a book...

 I am not so much a sit down and read a book type of persons. I like to be up and moving or having some physical activity. Even to relax I prefer to take a jog. My experiences, so far,with goodreads I have realized is not a tool I will use after this course. My boss at work loves to read and is even in a book club so I have asked her for some suggestions and looked them up on goodreads as well as used the recommendations tool. Still I think I rather watch the movies of the recommended books. Even when I watch movies or TV at home, I am rarely vegetating on the couch, I am usually cooking or cleaning while I watch.


Again, not my thing. I appreciate those who do enjoy reading and respect that. I prefer podcasts and maybe an audio book would be better suited for me but this online book tools do not seem to fit my lifestyle. I think someone who loves and enjoys books these sites would be great for them and I will probably suggest it to my boss! Having all the books you've read and are going to read in one place sounds fantastic and being able to share that with others and talk about the books seems like a good idea for people into books.

The title of this blog post is UnBibliophilia coming form the root word Bibliophilia which means love of books and Un- meaning not - basically in my mind translates to - not a lover of books.

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