Thursday, July 9, 2015

Vlog 2

After several tries and lots of editing! Here it is! Vlog #2 


  1. Very nice! Did you do your video editing in YouTube? This is a skill I need to work on.

  2. Thank you! I actually used Windows Movie Maker. No YouTube necessary! I used my webcam and uploaded that to windows movie maker and then directly from there posted it to the blog!

  3. Excellent Job! :) I'm not sure Windows software will work for my Mac. I'll have to find something else. Good skills to learn!

  4. Great Vlog Nikki! It was great how you took everyones comments from last week to make this weeks more interactive. I liked how you summarized with text points while you were talking so we could see the main points. I just blogged about PLNS yesterday, and although it is a huge time commitment, as you touched on, I believe I have been creating my PLN all along without even knowing it! Interesting topic on Finland as well!

  5. Hi Nikki,
    Can you tighten it up a bit and make it shorter? Maybe your transitions don't need to be a full 2 seconds. You can accomplish a lot in 1-2 minutes if you're fast. Under a time crunch we make amazing content, like when we want to write 750 words but are limited to 200. Or our 140 character tweets. Short may have less development but more viewers.

  6. you go it! this week vlog is MUCH shorter!
